Last weekend it rained except for a few hours on Saturday so we snuck out to the zoo and attended a community "party" too. There weren't too many of the usual animals out and about at the zoo this time. Instead I found some unusual ones to photograph, so that was neat!
First was the bald eagle! Can you see them on the branches behind us?
Then there were the brown bears. One was busy eating but the other was just hanging around by the fence. He wasn't the least bit bothered by our presence.
Here we all are watching them for a few minutes!
Next, we went into the reptile house. The alligator hangs out in the heated room during the winter but in the summer they swim in a nearby pond. You can see them sitting perfectly still in the water. I saw a video the other day of how fast and quick they can be but here they look fake. hahahaha. Please excuse the window reflection!
The cheetahs were doing their usual pacing along the fence-line. They have a really big area but seem to like walking back and forth there. The lions were sleeping, as usual, and I couldn't get a good pic of them.
Now, this is the otter tank. They used to have a bridge over it but then the powers that be took that down and fixed up the tank area. For the past 3 years, I have gone by this tank twice per trip. I have never seen the otters....until today!!! I know you can't see them but they are on the far side of the pond, digging a hole of all things. I mean he (she?) was seriously digging to China! So, the otters really do exist! Interesting.
Next we headed out of the zoo area into the newly landscaped walkway to the playground. I still find it amazing that this zoo is free. They work from donations only. I only showed you a few pics but it isn't such a bad zoo for free! They recently added a train ride and a carousel too! Cute!
Here are the girls on the swings. My girls LOVE swinging. I usually have to tell them to get off because others are waiting otherwise they would swing for hours!!! Devon just learned how to swing by herself. Brooklyn sort of gets the stretch-out part but not the pull-back part. Soon enough they learn!
Next, we headed over to our final stop...the party. It was for foster care-awareness and apparently there was an Alex's Lemonade Walk/Run just before. Had I known about it I would have participated. I really want to try a few fundraisers this summer....even if we walk more than run!!!
The girls made cute princess wands. They love the glitter glue and stickers. They got their faces painted too! We had lots of snacks and I vowed to brush their teeth as soon as we were home! Didn't I just post pictures of them eating cotton candy last time? Yikes....really they don't eat it every weekend! But they love the treat so and I couldn't say no. They probably won't have it again till next just so happened to fall two weekends in a row!
We all enjoyed our family time but had to get going home. We had a fun birthday party later in the day and wanted to rest up for it! I made my first machine applique as a gift. It took me three tries to get it with most things, there is a learning curve. I posted pics below. I made the cute pirate shorts to go with the top!
So the tree in front of our house had a large branch that had to come down. It was hit by trucks if they passed by. Here it is....see how big? It took up most of the road before it was cut up!
Well, the last day of April means I get to turn 32 again. Yes, I have been 32 for 10 years now!!! And you'll never believe what I have always wanted....yup....a toaster oven. I have never had one (except for once when we rented a house while our house was getting a revamped). Well, my wonderful husband bought me one as a surprise! I knew nothing about it! I was so happy and shocked. It is neat because you can still use the regular toasting option or close that off if you want to use the oven part....kind of a compromise. The girls made me beautiful cards and Sarah gave me some pretty earrings! My hubby also brought home a special cake from Cold Stone Creamery....that place is the bomb! Oh my...was that the best cake I ever was cake and ice cream and sweet icing and chocolate pieces and cookie dough.....heaven I tell you!!! It was a wonderful birthday! I was so spoiled!!!!!
Mom and her girlie girls!!!! :)
I know this is a little out of order but here are some pics of the pirate outfit birthday gift! The little boy is going to Disney and he loves pirates so hopefully he will enjoy his outfit then!
I have been working with my sewing friends on a project which I can post in the coming week. I am finishing up some things for it! The girls dance recital is coming up....we have attended 7 practices for it! No wonder I have been busy! The final dress rehearsal is Thursday! They love it though so its worth all the trouble and I think it is a great experience for them.
The school year is winding up quickly too! Mid-terms for the 4th quarter went out...I can't believe it. Sarah has been reading every night in order to qualify for a bowling/pizza party for accelerated readers. She has to earn her last 5 points this week! Yaaa her! She set a goal and is seeing that consistent work is paying off. She has forgone tv quite a few nights so as to keep up with her reading. I am so proud of her. She is such a neat person! I love her to pieces!
The little ones are growing big too and hopefully will stop wrestling with each other long enough to come up for air. Obviously I need to start getting them ready for bed before they kill each other! (j/k) I am off to fold laundry and rest up for a big day tomorrow...I love sleeping late on Saturday and having the whole weekend to do fun family things and catch up on my peeps and my neglected housework! Oh and sew sew sew!!!!
I would just like to say an early Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, grandmoms, step-moms and people who guide and raise our young folks today! Parenting has been such a blessing to me and even though it is tiring at times, I am so thankful for the opportunity! Enjoy the weekend! Stop back soon for more updates!!! :)
You are such a glass half full girl! I love it! You always have something fun for me to read about. I hope you enjoyed your birthday! A toaster oven really does sound like a nice gift. I know some don't care for the whole appliance thing for gifts but I LOVE it! I always want something useful!!
ReplyDeleteThe fun!HAPPY 32nd Birthday ;) I have always wanted a toaster oven too!!! Maybe this will be my year. That pirate outfit is so stinkin cute. My kids LOVE thier Cathy outfits. Seriously everyday before school I hear, "Can I wear my Buzz Lightyear clothes?" Which reminds me--I need to pick your brain for Disney outfits. My summer goal is learn to sew, for real. I even bought some fabric yesterday and pins and thread today. Maybe someday I'll be able to make adorable duds like you. We are going Sept 19th-27th our ADR date is June 21st. Come 7:00 a.m. EST I'll be trying for lunch at Cindy's Table. --craving sugar---those cotton candy pictures got my sweet tooth going. Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jessica! I know some people don't like appliances but I love em too! I also bought myself the Feliz and Vida and 5 yds of fabric....I forgot to put that in the blog! I'll have to add that in next time!
ReplyDeleteAmber - I loved your last update too! And I am so glad they liked their cool! It was so much fun designing and putting them together. Sewing is really fun and each thing you make you get better and better and better! I would highly recommend Carla's pattern (Scientific Seamstress) on They are great for the beginner and the experienced. I don't use commercial patterns anymore after I found her! I should give you my cell phone number or you can email me with any questions about sewing. If you have someone local who sews and can help you out that's great too! If you want me to make the pirate outfit for Sebastian, just let me know....I don't have the fabric I made the shorts from but I can get similar stuff.