The big news, besides "winning" a contest this week, is this sewing machine. I borrowed it from the sewing teacher so I can't keep it, but I can use it for a while! Its an amazing machine...I made a bowling shirt and shorts with it. But I am really looking forward to its embroidery potential. I have to read up on how the process works but I will keep you posted. So here she is:
I know I posted a pic of these Epcot outfits before, but here are both of them finished with the matching capris! My older daughter and I are wearing red tee's with the same mickey head with flag fabric on the front!
More sewing: Here are the latest accomplishments. I made two outfits for another Make A Wish family who will be going to Disney soon! The little boy loves Snow White so I made him a bowling shirt and shorts. I ordered this cool picture on fabric from Ebay to sew on the back!
I made his little sister a dress with Snow White and some of the same colors so they will coordinate for pictures.
The little sister is only 2.5 yrs. Won't she just love meeting the princesses!!!!!
I wish them a wonderful trip to Disney and I hope all their wishes come true!!!!
So the end of April brings recital practice to children around the United States! Think of how many recitals there must be in May and June???!!! So here are my girls at their first rehersal practice....only 7 more to go!!!
Funny story....during the practice, someone leaned up against the pull station for the fire alarm. Well, the fire station is just next door but we had to evacuate the building. It was raining, of course, so the girls bundled up in blankets. About five fireman walked over in their gear and I got to wondering if maybe my brother might be one of them. So I made my way through the crowd, and, sure enough, he was. So I snapped a few pics of him rescuing us from certain danger! We were able to reenter just minutes later and resume practice!
Later in the week, the girls had a little slumber party. They slept sideways across the bed and I had to capture them after they fell asleep. It was dark, but the flash makes it seem normal. Aren't sleeping children just adorable?! What blessings they all are!!!
As I have mentioned before, we have had a pretty rainy spring. The other day it kept raining and then got sunny. Around 5:30 it started raining again but it was still sunny. I jumped up and said, I bet there is a rainbow!!! I ran outside to look around and just to my left, there it big as anything...a gorgeous rainbow across the sky! For a while it was a double rainbow. I called everyone out in the rain to take their pic in the rain!
So, that was my amazing week! Besides a full week at work with meetings and teaching about acceleration such. This coming week we are doing more fun physics labs! Our topic is momentum! We get to run crash cars down ramps and find their mass and speed before they hit the wall. Then find the amount of impact. Then add weight and do it again...sounds like fun, huh?! If only I could keep up with the grading! Wish me luck!!!